James Butler

Games Programmer

I'm a programmer that specialises in C# for Unity. I've worked both in teams and as a solo developer to create games and tools within the Unity game engine. Here are some of the projects I've worked on:

Major projects

Lead Programmer
"Voxel Grid" Dissertation
Programmer and Author

Smaller projects



Sole Programmer

IdyiaUtils is a package for Unity that I'm currently working on. I'm using it as an exercise in writing documentation, as well as practice in maintaining a large codebase, managing releases, document comments, and more.

The purpose of the code itself is to provide a set of highly generic methods to perform common or repetitive tasks that Unity can't handle by default. I've only started working on this recently so the only feature I've implemented is a Tween class for animating values, but I intend to keep working on this and adding features as I go.

Abandoned Archive

Abandoned Archive

Pixel Artist

Abandoned Archive is a project started by one of my friends a few years ago. Development was on hold for a couple of years but has recently began to start up again.

Want to get in touch?
Drop me an email!
